Pool Maintenance

The construction and maintenance of pools is a responsible business. The pool is a fairly complex system that requires weekly maintenance. In order to enjoy swimming at home every day, the following procedures must be carried out in a timely manner:

What is it for?
To build a pool at home or in a suburban area is the dream of many. However, few people know what its owner will have to face. The construction, built on the street, will become a place where leaves fall from trees, various rubbish brought by the wind, and the hair of pets fall. The design in the room will not encounter this, but a number of other problems will arise, such as plaque on the walls from chemistry or the resulting algae. All this will be accompanied by a terrible smell, and often the color of water. Of course, swimming in such a place very quickly ceases to bring pleasure to the owners and guests.

Today, many companies offer their services — pool maintenance. At the same time, many trust him to completely unprepared people: a cleaner, a gardener and others, in the hope that modern equipment will solve all existing problems. Contact if you need good masters pool maintenance.

Seasonal preservation / de-preservation;
Cleaning the bowl;
Filter cleaning;
Water chlorination control;
Monitoring and repair of the system (pumps, cranes, etc.).
What does service suggest?
After your home pond is built and filled with water, you need to adjust its acid-base balance. Firstly, this is necessary because your skin will come into contact with such water every day, secondly, hard water will cause plaque to form on the bowl of the structure, and, as a result, an unpleasant odor, and thirdly, a low level of ph will corrosion of internal structural elements, partial destruction of joints is possible. 7.3 is considered an acceptable level of ph water.

In addition to the acid-base level, a very important indicator is the purity of water. The most common disinfectant is chlorine. Its indicator of 0.4 mg / l is considered optimal, with this indicator, water retains its bactericidal properties.
It is also necessary to clean the pool bowl. There is a special instruction for this:

With a full drain of water. Such cleaning is necessary for seasonal preservation / de-preservation of the bowl, as well as for children’s models;
In other cases, cleaning without draining the water is suitable.
A very important point is the protection against the appearance of algae. Today, in stores you can buy hundreds of preparations based on algicide.

It often happens that you come to your house only for the weekend, and for a whole week the pool is unattended, what to do in this case?

For such cases, there is a service for swimming pools, it may be advisable to trust specialists. If you decide to do this yourself, then before you leave you need:

Rinse filters;
Check the level of ph and chemistry contained in the water;
Close the pool bowl.